Owner Built Homes
NeighborWorks' Owner Built Homes allow participants to earn substantial equity by working with a group of other families to help build each others' homes, and in doing so help to build one another's dreams. Their labor is called “sweat equity” and is what makes these homes affordable. Hard work is the key to this project, along with a desire to work together to build our community and new homes. The group commits to building 10 homes together, and no one can move in until all 10 homes have been completed. NeighborWorks Owner Built Homes allow families and individuals to embark on a guided development that turns their homeownership dream into a reality. This program is apart of the National "Mutual Self-Help Housing" model designed to provide affordable, clean and safe homes to families in rural areas.
Program Qualifications:
Acceptable Credit
2 years of dependable income
Ability to commit 30 hours per week for 12 months (family & volunteers)
May not exceed income limits (vary based on family size)
Rental history is preferred
For the Self Help application, click here.
Please contact our office for more information or visit our F.A.Q. page.
Brand New Home
Program participants end the program with a brand new home. You pick the colors, cabinets, carpet, and more!
Affordable Payment
The "sweat equity" you earn over the year long build allows for your mortgage to be less, which in turn results in a lower mortgage payment.
Build Wealth
Homeownership builds wealth. The Owner Built program allows you to have immediate equity from the work you've put in!
Interested? Get in Touch!