Fritz Seitz, former owner of Fritz’s Auto Repair, has been actively involved with NeighborWorks Great Falls since 1995 when he joined our Board of Directors. This year, Fritz made the decision to retire from the board after 25 years of service. In that time, Fritz has witnessed the growth and expansion of NeighborWorks, formerly known as Neighborhood Housing Services. When we asked him to sum up his time on the board, Fritz replied, “It’s been FUN. It’s been educational working with so many people that are competent and good for Great Falls.”
Not only has Fritz given his time and talent to NeighborWorks, but in 2018, he made the decision to give the ultimate gift – the gift of his home. Fritz named NeighborWorks Great Falls the beneficiary of his beautiful and historic downtown home and is excited about the possibility of what it will do for a family in Great Falls. “Make an affordable rental out of it or sell it to a family. Give it back to the community in some way,” said Fritz when we asked about his wishes for the home. What a truly humbling and selfless gift Fritz has made, not only to NeighborWorks but our downtown neighborhood as well.
In Fritz’s words, “Homeownership means everything. We’ve done a bunch of work in these neighborhoods, but there is still so much work to do. NeighborWorks work is never done. NeighborWorks continues to expand and add so much more to this community.” We are grateful for Fritz’s 25 years of service, helping us to build strong neighborhoods and create successful homeowners by developing and promoting quality affordable housing.
If you or someone you know is interested in naming NeighborWorks Great Falls as the beneficiary of a home or other asset, please contact us at (406) 761-5861.